Robert Kostecki is a Staff Scientist and Deputy Division Director of the Energy Technologies Area in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He contributes to LBNL scientific, programmatic and strategic leadership in Energy and Environment areas through expanding existing research programs, assistance with development and maintenance of sponsor and partner relationships, and creating new research initiatives.
His research interests focus on fundamental phenomena that determine the function and electrochemical performance of electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems. Robert is often recognized for his pioneering work in the field of electrochemical diagnostics and engineering, especially for bridging the gap between fundamental science and applications of significant technological importance e.g., batteries. In his work he develops novel in situ and ex situ spectroscopy and imaging methodologies to probe basic properties of electrical energy storage materials and electrochemical interfaces at an atom, molecular or nanoparticulate level. He applies new experimental approaches to characterize fundamental issues affecting rechargeable battery performance, study the nature of physico-chemical properties of interfaces, nanostructures, and the mechanism of electrochemical and chemical phenomena that control the behavior of the electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems. His R&D efforts are directed toward technology development, and the use of state-of-the-art characterization tools to support the science and engineering of sustainable energy systems.
Robert received his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from the University of Geneva (Switzerland) in 1994. He has co-authored 75 papers in refereed journals, 15 conference proceedings papers, 150 meeting presentations and 10 patents. He is Vice Chair of the Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Division of the International Society of Electrochemistry and ViceChair of the Battery Division of the Electrochemical Society; active member of numerous scientific societies and committees; organizer and chair numerous symposia, workshops and government-university-industry research meetings.